Thursday, June 18, 2009

today was a good day.... i mean work was hard without my meds... but i did ok... i got to get my computer for college today.... YAY!!! infact, i am on it! :) well... i was just letting you all know whats going on with me.... so yeah, i feel pretty good minus the chronic headaches that wont go away.... sadly. well... thats all for now.... feel free to coment!! :)


Monday, June 8, 2009


sorry i have just started blogging again.... life has been soooo crazy!!! that and i could never remember my password... but its all cool right now... i know it now... yay me!! lol...
but this post is about me trying to get all of my frustrations right now.... as of now, i have no one to talk to becuase the usual first person would be my mom, but she is the one who pissed me off in the first place... so i decided against going to talk to her about advice on how to talk (bitch) at her... so yeah
heres the low down...
i have been on a certain medication for a really long while now, but since it is the summer, she wants me to get off of it before i go to college. but the thing is... it has been working well for me for the past few years... why try to fix whats not broken?!?!?!?! i know i am dependent on it, but i know if i go off of it, things can go really bad. i guess i am just afraid of whats going to happen if i go off of it.
now she probably wont even hear me out becuase she got me so fucking worked up that i started to get upset and cry then i just stormed out of the room. i honestly dont know what the fuck to do. i just dont want to do something really stupid when i am off of it and hurt myself. she obviously doesnt understand that tho i tried to tell her that. she just said i was over exaggerating it. UGH!!! I THINK I KNOW MY FUCKING BODY!!! I KNOW THIS WILL NOT TURN OUT WELL!!!
well... i am going to stop ranting about this now before she comes in and starts reading what i am typing... if anyone has any suggestions on how i can try to talk to her, i would really appreciate it!!!
ioh, btw, i have started a new geno story... please read and let me know what you think. if no one likes it, then i will stop writing it.